Cookies Theme
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie By Laura Numeroff
The Cow Who Loves Cookies By Karma Wilson
The Duckling Gets A Cookie By Mo Willems
Mr. Cookie Baker By Monica Wellington
Who Stole The Cookies From the Cookie Jar By Jane Manning
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies By Jane Yolen ( Boardbook)
May I Please Have a Cookie By Jennifer Morris
The Doorbell Rang By Pat Hutchins
Milk and Cookies By Frank Asch
Who Ate All The Cookie Dough By Karen Beaumont
Fortune Cookie Fortunes By Grace Lin
Henry Helps Make Cookies By Beth Bracken
If you are wanting Gingerbread or Gingerbread Cookies click on the word gingerbread to follow a link to that post too!
Fun Fact: Did you now that October 1st is National Cookie Day!
Who Stole the Cookies?
Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Who, me? Yes, you!
Couldn't be! Then who?
(child's name) stole the cookies from the cookie jar.
Who, me? Yes, you!
Couldn't be! Then who?
Note: Continue for as many children as you want
Credit Everything Preschool
Five Little Cookies
Five little cookies With frosting galore. (Child's Name) ate the red one, then there were four.
Four little cookies, Two and two you see
(Child's Name) ate the green one, then there were three.
Three little cookies But before I knew,
(Child's Name) ate the white one, then there were two.
Two little cookies, Oh what fun,
(Child's Name) ate the brown one, then there was one
Credit Everything Preschool
At the Bakery (Tune: The Mulberry Bush)
What will you buy at the bakery, The bakery, the bakery? What will you buy at the bakery, So early in the morning?
I'd like to buy some bread today, Bread today, bread today. I'd like to buy some bread today, So early in the morning.
Additional verses: cookies, muffins, donuts, pies, cupcakes, cakes
Credit Kidssoup.com
Cookie Counting Song
Ten Little Indians Tune
Sing this song with the children, having them hold up that many fingers as they sing!
1 little, 2 little 3 little cookies.
4 little, 5 little, 6 little cookies.
7 little, 8 little, 9 little cookies.
10 Little Cookies I baked for you!
Now try singing backwards! Hold up 10 fingers and put one
down with each!
In advance, make 10 paper or felt cookies (any color you want!). Print the numbers 1-10 on them. As you sing the above song, place the cookie with the corresponding number on the floor in front of you. When done, sing it backwards removing cookies as you go!
Paper Plate Cookie
Cookie Themed Printables from Kidsparkz
Cookie Club Theme Pack By Preschool Plan It
Cupcake Liner Cookies
Cookie Monster Printables
Math and Literacy Cookie Download FREE from TPT
Simple and Fun Cookie Ideas for Preschoolers from Mom on the Move blog (cookie cutter prints, matching, frosting)
Cookie Playdough Mats- use pom pom, real chocolate chips or playdough from Prekinders
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