Cats & Kittens
Show pictures of cats or use clipart or a puppet.
Ask questions about size, color, characteristics like tail, ears, eyes, nose, mouth etc. What sound do they make? Are they Soft or rough? How many of you have a cat at home either real or a stuffed animal?

READ: Books
Kitten’s First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat Are You Waking Up? by Bill Martin Jr.
Pete the Cat and the Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin
Posy by Linda Newberry and Catherine Rayner
Mama Has Three Kittens By Denise Fleming
Big Cat, Little Cat By Elisha Cooper
Cleo's Color Book By Caroline Mockford
Pete The Cat By Eric Litwin
Fancy Nancy Oodles of Kittens By Victoria Kann
Hi Cat! By Ezra Jack Keats
Have You Seen My Cat By Eric Carle
This Kitty
(Start by holding up all 5 fingers. At each line take one away.On the
last line have the final finger run through a hole made by the left
This kitty said, “I smell a mouse,”
This kitty said, “Let’s hunt through the house.”
This kitty said, “Let’s go creepy creep.”
This kitty said, “Is the mouse asleep?”
This kitty said, “Meow, meow, I saw him go through
This hole just now.” Credit
FLANNEL RHYME: Hey Diddle Diddle
You can print my clipart file here.
Hey diddle diddle
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Credit Sunflower Storytime
Flannelboard: “The Three Little Kittens”
Action Rhyme & Puppets: “Five Little Kittens”
Five little kittens standing in a row
They nod their heads to the children so
They run to the left, they run to the right
They stand up and stretch in the bright sunlight
Along comes a dog, who’s in for some fun
M-e-oooow, see those kittens run!
Credit: Los Angeles Public Library & Storytime Katie
Fingerplay: “Little Kittens”
Five little kittens (hand in a fist)
All black and white
Sleeping very soundly
All through the night
Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow (raise each finger individually)
It’s time to get up now.
Credit: Pierce County Library & Storytime Katie
Song: “Soft Kitty”
Soft kitty, warm kitty
Little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty
Purr, purr, purr
Credit: Big Bang Theory Show & Storytime Katie
I’m A Little Cat
(Sung to “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little cat.
Soft and furry.
I’ll be your friend.
So don’t you worry.
Right up on your lap I like to hop.
I’ll purr, purr, purr and never stop.
I Know A Cat
Sung to:
I know a cat with perky ears,
And kitty is her name-o.
K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y,
And Kitty is her name-o.
She makes a sound and
it's "meow,"
And Kitty is her name-o.
K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y,
And Kitty is her name-o.Credit Preschool Express
Two Little
Sung to:
"Two Little Blackbirds"
Two little kittens sitting on a hill
One named Jack and one named Jill
Run away Jack, run away Jill
Come back Jack, come back Jill
Two little kittens sitting on a hill
One named Jack and one named Jill
Credit Preschool Express
Have children pretend or act out being a kittens/cats
Ask them to show you their kitten ears
Ask them to show you their claws
Ask them to stretch like a kitten
Ask them to meow or purr like a kitten
Can they Pounce like a kitten
Cat Stretches
1. Have your children get on their hands and knees.
2. Tell them to slowly “walk” their arms out in front of them, one at time, until arms and upper body are fully extended.
3. Have them stretch like cats by leaning each shoulder one way, then the other.
Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes Craft Printable Template
Paper Plate Cats Craft
Pin the Tail on the Cat Color Match
Pete the Cat Story Slider Printable Template $2.60 avail. from TPT
2 D shape Animal Cat Craft
Cat Whisker Lacing Activity (Use Printable template, hole punch and pipe cleaners)
Yarn Balls
Set up baskets at varying distances from a masking tape line on the floor. Toss yarn balls into the baskets. Credit
Cat Printables
Make a Cat Face Head band- using wiggle eyes, sticker eyes or drawing eyes on the front of the headband strip (either large paper strip or sentence strips work great!Add a pom pom or paper nose, attach paper whiskers and triangle ears-- measure and staple around child's head.