TALK: Show pictures of different types of boats or picture walk through the book Boats: Speeding, Sailing, Cruising By Patricia Hubbell. Ask Questions like how do boats move? what sounds do they make? What do boats do- what is there job? Today we are sharing books all about boats!
READ: Books
An Island in the Sun by Stella Blackstone
Sail Away By Donald Crews

Alistair and Kips Great Adventure By John Segal
I’m Mighty by Kate & Jim McMullan.
Mighty Tug By Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Boats at Bedtime By Olga Litowinsky
Row, Row, Row, Your Boat By Jane Cabrera
Tugboat By Michael Garland
Boat Works By Tom Slaughter

Maisy's Sailboat By Lucy Cousins
Boat Book By Gail Gibbons
Row, Row, Row your Boat By By Iza Trapani
Little Tug By Stephen Savage
Blue Boat By Kersten Hamilton
Busy Boats By Tony Mitton

Toy Boat By Loren Long
Who Sank the Boat By Pamela Allen
Old MacDonald Had A Boat By Steve Goetz
The Circus Ship By Chris Van Dusen
Harbor By Donald Crews
I Love Boats By Flora McDonnell
Toot and Pop By Sebastien Braun
Little Bear's Little Boat By Eve Bunting
Tugga Tugga Tugboat By Kevin Lewis
Sheep on a Ship By Nancy Shaw
Boats: Speeding, Sailing, Cruising By Patricia Hubbell
Alphabet Boats By Samantha Vamos (pub. April 17, 2018)

Music CD- Songs for Wiggleworms By Various Artists Track #2 Row, Row, Row Your Boat Song (available for purchase from Amazon)
Flannelboard: “Five Little Boats”Boat Clip Art Five Boats - courtesy of Sunflower Storytime
The first little boat went chug, chug, chug.
The second little boat went tug, tug, tug.
The third little boat went row, row, row.
The fourth little boat went ohhhh sooooo slooooooow.
Here comes the sailboat, watch it go! Sunflower Storytime and Storytime Katie
Action Song: “Riding ‘Round in My Little Boat”Boat Template for felt board Sunflower Storytime and Storytime Katie
Riding ’round in my little [red] boat
Riding ’round in my little [red] boat
Riding ’round in my little [red] boat
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, splash!
Song: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Motor Boat Song
Motor boat, motor boat, go so slow (make slow "putt, putt, putt, putt" noises)
Motor boat, motor boat, go so fast (make faster "bbbbbrrrrrrrrrrr" noises)
Motor boat, motor boat, STEP ON THE GAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ("
Credit: Friend and Coworker Katie Badgley
Tune: "Jingle Bells"
Motorboat, motorboat,
Going round the bay.
Motorboat, oh, motorboat,
This is what you say,
Putt-putt-putt, putt-putt-putt,
Putt-putt all the way.
Motorboat, oh, motorboat,
You putt-putt-putt all day!
Have You Ever Seen A Sailboat? - sung to "Did You Ever See A Lassie?"
Have you ever seen a sailboat,
A sailboat, a sailboat?
Have you ever seen a sailboat
Waving its sail?
Wave this way and that way,
Wave that way and this way.
Have you ever seen a sailboat
Waving its sail?
Credit Stepbystepchildcare
Rowing - sung to "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
Waves, waves, back and forth,
Rock the boat all day.
(move hands like waves)
We row and row so we can go
Somewhere far away
(pretend to row boat)
Boats Out In The Sea - sung to "The Farmer In The Dell"
Boats out in the sea.
Boats out in the sea.
Float up and down and all around.
Boats out in sea.
Credit Stepbystepchildcare
Boat Theme Alphabet Cards
Boats Emergent reader colors FREE

DLTK Kids Halves Boat Craft Very Simple Template is printable in color or black in white
Get a piece of blue constuction paper to represent water. Have children make waves with crayolas, then make sail boats from triangles and rectangles. Add this rhyme to the picture:
Look in the
Toy box.
find a
Little boat.
Put it
In the water
And watch
It float
Credit stepbystepchildcare
Boat Game:
This is an activity we do while waiting for the bus to come. The children sit in a circle which we pretend is a boat. We sing “Row, row, row you boat”. Then, since I’m the captain, I shout out a child’s name and say, “Kelly, overboard!” Then that child jumps in the middle of the circle and pretends to swim. All of the rest of us throw in a pretend line and begin pulling. As we are “pullling we say ” 1-2-3-4-5 she’s/he’s alive!! The child in the middle then take his seat. We repeat this until everyone has had a turn to jump overboard.
Credit Perpetual Preschool
Boat science Ideas