This page is dedicated to my educator friends and homeschool families. Here are many of my suggested sites for felt board story pieces and other educator resources! Please check it out!
Picture credit to Storytelling Fun Company
Felt pieces can be used along with a feltboard, put on a wall, or an easel can be a great learning tool to help stories come alive! Also many songs and nursery rhymes have pieces to use in educating your children.
Using felt board with pieces are great teaching tools help children explore through hands-on learning and fun. Using these stories along with their felt counter parts help to encourage using their imagination while helping to develop fine motor skills and self esteem.
These are a few of the companies where pre-made felt pieces can be purchased for your personal use.
Felt Fantasies Company 1-877-953-6557
web http://www.feltfantasies.com/
This company carries storybook sets, nursery rhymes and songs set, felt boards, basic learning skills numbers, colors, shapes! They are very reasonable and they offer free shipping for orders over 60.00. Picture Credit Felt Fantasies
Little Folk Visuals Company 760-345-5571
web https://littlefolkvisuals.com/
They carry early songs and rhymes, bible sets, storybook sets, specific authors like eric carle books pete the cat, math science and nutrition too! They also carry backgrounds and boards. Their sets range from 9.95-25.00. shipping rates start at 3.50 and go up depending on price of total order. Picture credit Little Folk Visual
Little Folk Visual Felt boards and pieces are also available from Amazon
Art Felt Company felt puppet design and manufacturing
web http://www.artfelt.net/warehouse/front.htm
they carry finger puppets, hand puppets, felt board sets, storytelling props and books! finger puppets range 3.75-4.95 but felt board sets start about 17.95-49.95 but they are really good quality and well made. Many of there puppet sets come with free rhymes to use in teaching. Picture credit to Art Felt Company
Storytelling Fun Company They carry feltboards, felt story pieces, travel bags, children's books-- Their Sets range from $8.00-10.00 a piece depending on story and amount of pieces. They are offering free shipping on orders of 75.00 and over. This company is related to Felt Fantasies in that it is a mother and daughter team running both companies. They have great quality sets at reasonable prices. Picture credit Storytelling Fun.
Kizclub Printables ( FREE) Worksheets, Flashcards, Story Patterns, Songs and Rhymes with Patterns, Phonics, ABC's, Crafts and Teaching Extras.
These are all printable in either black and white or full color options. Some of them have matching cards, or even mini book options too. You will want to use contact paper or laminate these for stability once you have printed them.I am not able to show an example because they are PDF files to print. There are many to choose from and they are all FREE to print.
Parent Teacher Store USA-
These stores carry all sorts of educator resources- books, felt boards, bulletin board items, posters, puzzles, toys and many other education resources.
Check your local area for stores or order online at this above link
Lake Shore Learning- These stores carry all sorts of educator resources- feel free to check out the link for all sorts of great products!
Katie And Company.net - music CD's, Puppets, Feltboard Activities! picture ABC Stew 18.95-- all these pieces range in price depending on pieces.
Do you have Mercer Meyer's felt pieces to There's An Alligator Under My bed. I have use of one arm and really want to share this with my Grand chilldren..