Pirates Theme
AHOY Mates! Welcome to My Theme all about Pirates! September 19 is National Talk Like a Pirate Day! So All these books and Activities are all about Pirates!
READ: Books-

Pirate Nap by Danna Smith

This Little Pirate by Philemon Sturges
Pirate Piggywiggy By Christlyn Fox
Goodnight Pirate By Michelle Robinson
Pirates in Pajamas By Caroline Crowe
How I Became A Pirate By Melinda Long
Pirate Boy By Eve Bunting
Are Pirates Polite? By Corinne Demas
Pete the Cat and the Treasure Map By James Dean

Pirates Lullaby: a Mutiny at bedtime By Marcie Wessels
Pirate Loves Underpants By Claire Freedman
How To Be a Pirate By Sue Fliess
The Pirate Alphabet: The ABC's of Piracy By Anna Butzer
There Was An Old Pirate Who Swallowed a Fish By Jennifer Ward
Flannelboard: “Five Pirates for a Treasure Chest”
Five pirates on a treasure chest, one jumped off and four are left.
Four pirates on a treasure chest, one slid off and three are left.
Three pirates on a treasure chest, one fell down and two are left.
Two pirates on a treasure chest, one was pushed off and one is left.
One pirate on a treasure chest, he climbed down and none are left.
No pirates on the treasure chest, yo-ho-ho and now it’s all mine!
Credit: Mega Storytime/ Storytime Katie
Action Song: “If You’re a Pirate and You Know It”
If you’re a pirate & you know it, swab the deck (swish, swish)
If you’re a pirate & you know it, swab the deck (swish, swish)
If you’re a pirate & you know it, then you’ll hear sea winds a’blowin
If you’re a pirate & you know it, swab the deck (swish, swish)
(Walk the plank, stomp stomp // Say ahoy, ahoy!)
Credit: Born Librarian/ Storytime Katie
Fingerplay: “Ten Little Pirates”
Ten little pirates stood in a row (hold up all ten fingers)
They bowed to their captain so (lower and raise fingers)
They marched to the left (march hands to left)
And marched to the right (march hands to right)
They shouted yo-ho! (cup hands over mouth)
And gave their captain a fright (act scared, cover mouth with hands)
Credit: Born Librarian/ Storytime Katie
Song: “Sail, Sail, Sail Your Ship” (Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
Sail, sail, sail your ship
Gently over the sea
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
A pirate’s life for me!
Credit:King County Library System/ Storytime Katie
Pirate Treasure Counting Mats
Preschool Pirate Prewriting pratice
Pirate Hat Template
Skull and crossbones template
Eye Patch template
Preschool Pirate Cutting Practice
Pirate Pattern Sequencing Worksheet
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