September 21 is International Peace Day!

International Peace Day celebrated on September 21 each year!
The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. Credit https://internationaldayofpeace.org/
What is Peace? according to Merriam Webster --
a state of quiet; especially : freedom from public disturbance or war
2 : freedom from upsetting thoughts or feelings
3 : harmony in personal relations
4 a : a state or period of peace between governments b : an agreement to end a war
Discuss the importance of being kind and friendly toward classmates and neighbors etc. Share Stories all about Peace Today!
READ: Books

I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness By Susan Verde and Peter H. Reynolds

Peace By Wendy Anderson Halperin
Peas on Earth By Todd Doodler
Peace is an Offering By Anette LeBox

Peace Week in Miss Fox's Class By Eileen Spinelli (K-2)
What Does Peace Feel Like By Vladimir Radunsky
The Children's Peace Book By Jolene DeLisa
Peaceful Pieces By Anna Grossnickle Hines (grade1-5) poetry
Whoever You Are By Mem Fox

Breathe and Be: A Book of Mindfulness Poems By Kate Coombs Grade (K-3)
If your happy and you know it (intro song)
Head and shoulders knees and toes
I took a bath in a washing machine #4 Jim Gill CD (use colorful scarves)
Silly Dance Contest #8 Jim Gill Cd (use scarves again)
ABC song (use egg shakers )
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star( use shakers)
# 2 Can’t wait to Celebrate –Blue Jim Gill (irrational anthem disc)-
- clap our hands,
- stamp feet,
- wave hello,
- bounce up and down,
- clap hands along with the song
# 5 Toe, Leg Knee Song -Green Jim Gill CD
Todd Parr activity book (Peace Book)
Peace Sign Craft for little ones- see photo
What Does Peace Look Like Poster Printable
Peace Day Coloring
Dove Template
Dove Classroom thumbprint craft- see photo
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