Show Pictures of Birds and use bird nest poster too! Ask Questions like --What do birds look like?How do they move?
What do they sound like?What do they eat?
Where do they live?
Nest Printable Poster (Eggs)
Hooray For Birds! By Lucy Cousins
Grumpy Bird By Jeremy Tankard
Birds By Kevin Henkes
Egg By Kevin Henkes
Feathers For Lunch By Lois Ehlert
Gossie Series By Olivier Dunrea
I'm Not Scared By Johnathan Allen
Pepito The Brave By Scott Beck

Little Quack By Lauren Thompson
Wow! Said the Owl By Tim Hopgood
In My Tree By Sara Dilligham
Have you seen my Duckling? By Nancy Tafuri

Purple Little Bird By Greg Foley
Are You My Mother? By P.D.Eastman
Counting is for the Birds By Frank Mazzola
Mama Built a Little Nest By Jennifer Ward
Fly away
Sung to: Row, row, row your boat
Fly, fly, fly away
In the clear blue sky
Flap your wings, flap your wings,
Flap your wings, flap your wings,
You can fly so high.
Credit educatall.com
Action Rhyme: “Little Birds”
Little birds, little birds, jump up and down
Little birds, little birds, don’t make a sound
Little birds, little birds, tip-toe to me
Little birds, little birds, bend your knees
Little birds, little birds, peep, peep, peep
Little birds, little birds, sleep, sleep, sleep
Little birds, little birds, fly to the leaves
Little birds, little birds, sit down please
From: Greatest Resource Education Child Care/ Storytime Katie
Action Rhyme: “Little Bird”
I saw a little bird go hop, hop, hop (hop three times)
I told the little bird to stop, stop, stop (hold out hand for stop)
I went to the window to say “How do you do?” (handshake)
He wagged his little tail and far away he flew! (shake tail and fly away)
Credit: Childhood/ Storytime Katie
Five Little Birds Fingerplay
Five Little Birds in a nest in a tree (hold up one hand)
Are as hungry as can be.
"Tweet" said baby bird number one (wiggle one finger)
Mommy bird promised she would come.
"Tweet, tweet" said baby bird number two (wiggle 2nd finger)
If she doesn't, what shall we do?
"Tweet, tweet, tweet" said baby bird number three (wiggle 3rd finger)
I hope that she can find our tree.
"Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet" said baby bird number four (wiggle 4th finger)
She has never been this late before.
"Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet" said baby bird number five (wiggle 5th finger)
Will our Mommy EVER arrive?
Oooooh! Look! Here she comes to feed her family (use other hand to "fly" to baby bird hand)
And all the baby birds were as happy as could be! Credit Preschool Plan-it.com
Two Little Blackbirds Rhyme:
Two Little Blackbirds
Sitting on a hill. (make two fists)
One named Jack, (raise one thumb)
One named Jill. (Raise other thumb.)
Fly away Jack. (Fly one Thumb behind back)
Fly away Jill. (Fly other thumb behind back.)
Come back Jack. (fly one thumb back)
Come back Jill. (fly other thumb back)
Bluebird, Bluebird Song
Bluebird, bluebird
Through my window
Bluebird, bluebird
Through my window
Bluebird, bluebird
Through my window
Oh, Johnny aren’t you tired?
Find a little friend
And tap him on the shoulder
Find a little friend
And tap on the shoulder
Find a little friend
And tap him on the shoulder
Oh, Johnny aren’t you tired?
Humming Birds
Five humming birds flying in the air (Hold up five fingers)
The first one landed in my hair (Grab little finger)
The second and third were a pair. (Touch index finger and thunb together.)
The fourth humming bird didn't care. (grab ring finger.)
The fifth humming bird hummed everywhere (Touch middle finger and hum loudly)
Credit everything preschool.com
Bird Trace and Color Printables
Birds on a branch ABC Game
Counting Eggs Emergent Reader FREE Printable
3 Bird Seed Activities for Preschoolers
Rainbow Bird Order by size
Feather Painting
Bird Sorting By Size use paper lunch bags folded down as nests
Feather Craft Scissor Practice
Paper Plate Bird Craft
Sensory Bin Idea - feed the birds
Paper Plate Bird Nest (half a paper Plate per nest)
Silly Paper Plate Bird Hats
Make Binoculars
Use two empty paper towel rolls cut in half to make binoculars. Have children decorate them as they wish. Glue them side by side. Make two small holes on either side of the binoculars and thread a string through them. Children can wear their binoculars around their neck and use them to observe birds when you are outdoors.
(side holes and glue together could be done before hand)
"Cheerios" Bird Snack
Give each child a string with tape at one end. Have them thread cereal on the string. Hang the necklaces in tree branches and watch the birds enjoy the snack!
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