Show Clipart or a small cutout of a Christmas tree ask if they have a real tree at their house or do they put up a fake tree! Talk about shape, color, smell if it is real? We are going to focus on trees today at storytime!
The Littlest Christmas Tree By R.A. Herman (ages 4-8)
Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree By Robert Barry (ages 3-7)
Night Tree By Eve Bunting (ages 4-7)
The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever By Steven Kroll (ages 4-8)
Maple and Willow's Christmas Tree By Lori Nichols (ages 3-5)

The Last Christmas Tree By Stephen Krensky (ages 3-5)

10 Trim-the-Tree'ers By Janet Schulman (ages 3 and up)

Sing/ Music:
Five Little Christmas Trees Author Unknown Credit: Twiggle magazine
Five little Christmas trees (Hold up five fingers.)
Stood all alone. (Stand up straight, arms at sides.)
Their hearts were very sad, (Point to heart; make sad face.)
For they hadn’t found a home. (Shake head no, while looking sad.)
Chop! went the ax. (Pretend to swing ax.)
Down fell one tree. (“Fall” to the ground.)
And off it went with a happy family. (March in place, smiling.)
Four little Christmas trees
Stood all alone . . .
One little Christmas tree (Hold up one finger.)
Stood all alone. (Stand up straight, arms at sides.)
Its heart was very sad, (Point to heart; make sad face.)
For it hadn’t found a home. (Shake head no, while looking sad.)
Chop! went the ax. (Pretend to swing ax.)
Down fell the tree. (“Fall” to the ground.)
And off it went with a happy family. (March in place, smiling.)
Let’s All Do a Little Clapping
(sung to “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”)
Let’s all do a little clapping, let’s all do a little clapping, let’s all do a
little clapping, & spread Christmas cheer. (You can change the clapping to
other activities.)
5.Bending (Ask the kids for other ideas.)
Credit Childfun.com
The Christmas Tree Song
Tune: Wheels on the Bus --Credit: Pinterest
The balls on the tree are green and red,
(left then right hand out front palm up)
Green and red, green and red,
(same action)
The balls on the tree are green and red,
(same action)
On Christmas day.
Additional verses:
The lights on the tree go on and off,
(open and shut hands)
The tinsel on the tree goes up and down,
(point up and down)
The popcorn on the tree is good to eat,
(rub tummy)
The star on the tree is up on top,
(reach hand up to place star)
Paper plate Christmas Tree
Tissue Paper Christmas Trees
Christmas Tree Coloring Sheet
Christmas Tree Outline Template Printable

Christmas tree letter matching activitiy printable
Christmas Tree Early Learning- (snacks, crafts, literacy, sensory)
Basic concept christmas tree learning for toddlers and preschoolers printables (shapes, letters, color matching)
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