Button, Buttons and more Buttons Theme for Preschool and Toddler Storytime!
Show some example buttons- different colors, shapes and sizes and talk to kids about them. Ask Simple questions about colors or shapes or sizes.
Does anyone in the room have buttons on their clothes like a shirt?
What if there was a special button on the wall? ask a question like what would you want that button to do? Well, we are about to find out about some special buttons in our stories today at Storytime! Let's have some fun and press some buttons together!
The Button Book By Sally Nicholls
Don't Push The Button By Bill Cotter
Press Here By Herve Tullet
The Good for Nothing Button By Mo Willems
Pete the Cat and His 4 groovy Buttons By Eric
Sing Songs Or Rhymes:
1. If your happy and you know it (clap hands, stomp feet, shout hooray)
2. We can’t wait to celebrate #2 (Jim Gill CD)
3. Itsy Bitsy Spider Song with (Egg shakers)
4. Shake your sillies #13 (Raffi CD - green disc #13 ) (use with egg shakers )
5. Silly Dance Contest # 8 (Jim Gill CD) with color scarves
PLAY --Parachute Fun: Use colored parachute and unfold it out &have everyone hold handles & lift up above head and play peek-a-boo. Then hold handles and walk in a circle singing “ring around the rosie”
ring around the rosie
pocket full of posies
ashes ashes we all fall down! (everyone bend down low to ground or fall)
children go under the parachute while parents lift it up
Have kids help put balls on and shake them up
Raffi Singable Songs collection CD https://www.amazon.com/Singable-Songs-Collection-Raffi/dp/B0000003IO/ref=pd_sbs_sccl_3/147-8637283-3991814?pd_rd_w=HuEgF&pf_rd_p=4b6b5072-e9bd-4f30-a3af-a1f5d52978ec&pf_rd_r=MPAE2KTHBQQC1RC1A590&pd_rd_r=bdee7ee9-ec3b-4e1e-902d-e483a1a6bb8e&pd_rd_wg=eGZjl&pd_rd_i=B0000003IO&psc=1
Does anyone in the room have buttons on their clothes like a shirt?
What if there was a special button on the wall? ask a question like what would you want that button to do? Well, we are about to find out about some special buttons in our stories today at Storytime! Let's have some fun and press some buttons together!

Don't Push The Button By Bill Cotter

The Good for Nothing Button By Mo Willems

Pete the Cat and His 4 groovy Buttons By Eric
Sing Songs Or Rhymes:
1. If your happy and you know it (clap hands, stomp feet, shout hooray)
2. We can’t wait to celebrate #2 (Jim Gill CD)
3. Itsy Bitsy Spider Song with (Egg shakers)
4. Shake your sillies #13 (Raffi CD - green disc #13 ) (use with egg shakers )
5. Silly Dance Contest # 8 (Jim Gill CD) with color scarves
PLAY --Parachute Fun: Use colored parachute and unfold it out &have everyone hold handles & lift up above head and play peek-a-boo. Then hold handles and walk in a circle singing “ring around the rosie”
ring around the rosie
pocket full of posies
ashes ashes we all fall down! (everyone bend down low to ground or fall)
children go under the parachute while parents lift it up
Have kids help put balls on and shake them up
Raffi Singable Songs collection CD https://www.amazon.com/Singable-Songs-Collection-Raffi/dp/B0000003IO/ref=pd_sbs_sccl_3/147-8637283-3991814?pd_rd_w=HuEgF&pf_rd_p=4b6b5072-e9bd-4f30-a3af-a1f5d52978ec&pf_rd_r=MPAE2KTHBQQC1RC1A590&pd_rd_r=bdee7ee9-ec3b-4e1e-902d-e483a1a6bb8e&pd_rd_wg=eGZjl&pd_rd_i=B0000003IO&psc=1
Parachute for play https://www.amazon.com/B-toys-BX1590Z-Parachute-Play/dp/B0757589KF/ref=sr_1_6?crid=3B5C5KZ542KYK&keywords=parachute+for+kids&qid=1650309549&sprefix=parachute+for+kids+%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-6
Button Sorting by color or shape Available from Amazon
Activities or Crafts or Play:
Activities or Crafts or Play:
Busy Board Learning ( snaps, buttons, zippers and more) Available from Amazon
Buttons activities to use with Pete the Cat and his 4 groovy buttons ( credit to hands on learning to life over c's https://lifeovercs.com/button-activities-inspired-by-pete-the-cat/
Don't Push the Button Book activity guide
Don't Push the Button Book Stick Puppet Activity Credit to the The Tucson Puppet Lady
Don't push this button Obstacle Course ( Credit from the Lego Librarian)
Pete the Cat videos, songs and activity pages
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